We are pleased to announce the launch of our new vestibular rehabilitation service (Balance Clinic) at Hashir International Institute. Benefit from 15% discount when you book your initial balance consultation in September 2024. This service is suitable for individuals diagnosed with any of the following vestibular disorders:
If you have any of these diagnoses and you experience dizziness, unsteadiness or general difficulties with your balance we can help you. At the initial balance consultation (fee is £280) our specialists will provide:
If based on the discussions, you wish to proceed with treatment we will agree a customised vestibular rehabilitation plan that is suitable for you. We will discuss the frequency and cost of sessions depending on your needs. Exercises, pacing advice, mindfulness, CBT are all included within the vestibular service and typically the treatment plan will include a 60-minute session (following initial session) to provide a detailed customised exercise plan. Often 3 further 60-minute sessions at 4-, 6- or 8-week intervals (best time interval discussed at each appointment) are designed to review exercise progress and adapt exercises as required as well as provide further support and advice.
Additional benefits:
N.B. This service is for individuals who already have completed physiological and medical investigations and have a diagnosis regarding their balance disorder.
Our Director, Dr Hashir Aazh said:
“After many years of clinical and research collaboration with Dr Pepler at the NHS, I am pleased to welcome her to Hashir International Institute. Dr Pepler will be leading our Balance Clinics. She has extensive training and experience in audiology within a multi-disciplinary team. Her vestibular rehabilitation sessions will be delivered either face-to-face (at Guildford clinic) or via video calls online (from the comfort of your own home!). Dr Pepler is a true expert in providing clinical care for patients with a wide range of complex hearing and balance disorders. Improving patient’s experience of treatment has been a central motivation for Dr Pepler over the past decade or so. Recently, she collaborated with me on a research project to develop a patient experience questionnaire to assess and compare patients’ views about attending a wide range of appointments (e.g., hearing assessment, hearing aid fitting, hearing aid review, tinnitus therapy, balance assessment, and balance rehabilitation). This questionnaire has now been used widely in audiology services across the UK.”
“Dr Anna Pepler has served for many years as the deputy head and clinical lead at the Audiology Department at the Royal Surrey NHS Foundation Trust (RSFT), United Kingdom, before joining Hashir International Institute. She has a BSc in Applied Biology from the University of Nottingham, an MSc in Audiology from the University of Southampton and a PhD from the University of Manchester. Her PhD research was on cochlear dead regions: prevalence, diagnosis and hearing aid management. Dr Pepler is registered with the Health Professions Council as a clinical scientist in Audiology.”
Dr Pepler gave a talk at The Biggest Show on Earth on Tinnitus about the developments in hearing aid technology the capabilities available to suit the requirements of different hearing aid users. She described the many ways that hearing aids and assistive listening devices can be used to help and improve hearing and communication in a variety of scenarios. She concluded with offering some practical information which helped hearing aid users as well as non-hearing aid users to learn how they can engage with and benefit from assistive listening technologies.
For further information, please contact:
Hashir International Institute, 167-169 Great Portland Street, 5th Floor, London, W1W 5PF
Tel: 0203 930 9523
Hashir International Institute, 54 Quarry Street, Guildford. GU1 3UA
Tel: 01483 255605
Email: admin@hashirtinnitusclinic.com
About Hashir International Institute:
Hashir International is an independent research institute and treatment centre dedicated to improving the diagnostic process and rehabilitation programs for patients experiencing misophonia, tinnitus and hyperacusis. They offer specialist training courses, ethical review of research proposals, research design, research sponsorship, and supervising MSc and PhD students.