Do you suffer from the constant challenges of tinnitus?
Do you know someone who struggles to sleep because of its symptoms?
Perhaps you see patients who are experiencing the impact of tinnitus on their daily lives.
However, you have come to know tinnitus, you will agree that more research is desperately needed into its causes, symptoms and treatment. We are currently crowdfunding for a new study that will focus on a crucial area: tinnitus and sleep. Your donation will allow us to explore the relationship between sleep quality and the day-to-day impact of tinnitus.
Tinnitus affects millions of people worldwide, and its impact on sleep is profound. However, our understanding of exactly how tinnitus disrupts sleep quality and how disturbed sleep increases tinnitus demands more research. By conducting this new study, we can unlock critical insights that lead to more effective treatments and improved quality of life for those living with tinnitus. Please read below for more details about this crowdfunded research study.
Why is this research study needed?
Tinnitus is estimated to affect approximately 14% of the world’s population. Alarmingly, about 70% of patients who seek help for tinnitus also report experiencing insomnia. Sleep is a crucial aspect of our lives, and insomnia leads to exhaustion, anxiety, and reduced cognitive function during the day. Existing research has shown us that tinnitus sufferers encountering sleep disturbances are at a heightened risk of developing or experiencing depression, hyperacusis, a decreased quality of life, and an increased prevalence of pain-related health conditions. However, deeper research is needed.
What will this research study explore?
There is currently no study to assess the relationship between night-to-night variations in sleep and the subsequent impact of tinnitus, using multiple repeated measures – until now. This research study will explore how different types and qualities of sleep change the impact of tinnitus, and vice versa. It will aim to answer questions like, “When my quality of sleep changes throughout the night, does this affect my tinnitus the next day?” and “What happens to my tinnitus while I experience different stages of sleep?” The closer we get to answering these questions, the better treatment and advice we can offer to patients.
What will this research study cost?
Our crowdfunding goal for this research study is £30,000
How do I donate to support this research study?
You have the power to make a difference. As we embark on this journey to uncover the secrets of tinnitus and sleep, your support is crucial. This vision is within reach, but we can only achieve it with your help. Your donation, no matter the size, is a step towards better understanding tinnitus and its relationship with sleep. You can donate by following this link, we thank you in advance for your generosity:
How do I find out more?
Below you will find the details about how we will conduct this study, and who will be sponsoring it. If you have further questions, please get in touch and we will be more than happy to provide detailed information on our plans. Additionally, if you feel you can support us by promoting this study, please don’t hesitate to contact us and start a conversation about how we can collaborate towards this important work.
Study Design
Pilot Study, mixed methods with embedded design
Study Participants
Two groups of individuals: those with tinnitus and those without (Control)
Planned Sample Size
10 patients in each group
Follow-up Duration
14 days
Planned Study Period
6 months
Principal Investigator
Dr. Hashir Aazh
Dr. Mercede Erfanian
Hashir International Specialist Clinics & Research Institute for Misophonia, Tinnitus, and Hyperacusis Ltd.
Role of the Sponsor
As the sponsor institution, we bear the responsibility of ensuring that the research undergoes independent scientific peer review, confirming its worthiness and value for money. We will ensure the availability of necessary resources to conduct high-quality, cost-effective research. Additionally, we will approve suitable investigators and document the allocation of responsibilities. Prior to commencing the research, we will ensure that all required approvals, permissions, and licenses are obtained.
Furthermore, we will establish systems for addressing complaints and handling misconduct, as well as for reporting, recording, and reviewing adverse events. Agreements will be made to identify, protect, and exploit intellectual property related to the research. We are obligated to ensure that the research is conducted in accordance with all relevant laws and best practices, including regulations such as the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) and the Mental Capacity Act (2005).
We will ensure that the research adheres to the approved protocol and the terms and conditions of relevant approvals. Given the importance of monitoring the research, we will maintain key records and documents in a legible condition. Any modifications to the study design will require approval from us as the sponsor, and arrangements will be made to secure any additional necessary approvals.
Upon completion of the research, we will notify relevant approval bodies, and collected data will be retained for the appropriate duration. Lastly, we will have appropriate plans in place for the dissemination of study findings.