Expertise in Tinnitus: Worldwide
Dr Hashir Aazh has been recognised as to be in the top 0.4% among 12,000 published tinnitus researchers and clinicians in the world. He has been recognised as the 9th top-rated tinnitus expert in the UK among 500 published researchers and clinicians based on his publications during the years 2011-2021. This is a particularly significant distinction as ExpertScape objectively and independently ranks people and institutions by their expertise. Expertscape classifies clinicians and researchers based on the scientific publications of over 26,000 biomedical topics. The total impartiality of the rankings drawn up by their platform is guaranteed by rigorous and objective steps. This recognition is a direct result of the extensive research and complex clinical cases Dr. Aazh treats. The publications included to ExpertScape analysis are listed below: